The Lancaster Knitter's Retreat 2025 takes place in an inspiring rural setting with excellent teachers and in the good company of knitters from near and far. We will gather at the beautiful Amish View Inn in Bird-In-Hand, Pennsylvania April 4 - 6, 2025. We are so pleased to announce Beth Brown-Reinsel, Kate Atherly and Carson Demers as this year’s featured teachers! Click HERE for more information.
Plain Yarn
On a frosty morning early in December, we drove out to the farm to pick up the latest run of PLAIN YARN, a Lancaster County Original. This beautiful yarn is locally produced and processed from a small flock of Romney sheep, organically raised on a nearby Amish farm.
Plain Yarn is available in limited quantities, and this year, the flock really delivered with subtle natural, undyed colors in generous 120-gram skeins. Romney wool is a favorite of hand knitters, due to its long staple and luster which make it excellent for timeless hats, mittens and garments.
Our Classes & Events schedule is being updated all the time. We have Absolute Beginner Workshops for knitting and crochet, as well as ‘Next Step’ knitting and crochet workshops all coming up in the next few months.
Ready to dive into colorwork? Join us for the ‘Anthology Cowl Workshop’ on Saturday morning, February 22nd. Also on the schedule is our Berroco Spring Yarn Tasting Party Tuesday evening, March 11th! Information about these Events and more HERE.
January and February Shop Hours
Monday - Saturday 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Thursday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Thursday Knit Night is held weekly in the shop. During January and February we will gather between 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM. Grab your WIP or stop in for help choosing yarn for your next project!
We also offer KNIT NIGHT on ZOOM every Thursday evening between 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM and everyone is invited. Knitters, crocheters, spinners and weavers from all over North America *and beyond* meet up on Zoom for an evening of community crafting. This is a friendly get together of folks who know each other, folks who may be joining us for the first time, and folks who drop in occasionally. Details HERE.
"Properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit,
and it doesn't hurt the untroubled spirit either."
--Elizabeth Zimmermann