The End of A Knitting Year...

...means the beginning of another one!

In that spirit, I cast on a sweater last night. I've swatched carefully, thought about it, and reviewed my pattern.  That first hour of working through a project is a good one, isn't it? I paid close attention, I did just what the pattern said, and it worked! The markers are where they belong, I have the right number of stitches, and the pattern is right. 


It is vastly satisfying to cast on a big project just as we get ready to ring in a new year, it's a sort of bridge from this year to next. A reassurance that we can carry on.

I hope your knitting and handwork helps you feel festive and reassured. 

Thank you, knitting and crocheting friends for your support and friendship!  Come see us over the holiday season!  We have gift certificates, Classes, and YARN for sale online & all sorts of gadgets and goodies here in the shop for your last minute shopper--or your last minute project!