Memory Inflation

I made a cistern spring hat.  I had some row gauge issues, but it was still really great and I wear it a lot.  I had some yarn left over, and I decided to make another one.


I decided to re-use the purple and the orange that I had used for the first one, but I swapped out the red for a bright green. 

Cast on 120 sts with the MC, I remembered.  It was a little tight last time -- I cast on 124 sts.  No problem.  Join CC1 and work in corrugated rib for ten rows, I remembered.   I had row gauge issues -- I decided to do 12 rows in each color.

I got through the purple.  I joined the green, I worked 12 rows.  It was starting to look a bit tall, but what the heck, I thought, it'll be fine.  And the last one was too short anyway.

I joined the orange.  I worked 11 rows.  I decided to double check the pattern because while I was fairly sure how the turn and the end of CC3 went, I wanted to check on the number of rows needed after the turn.

I measured the hat somewhere in here.  It was 12 cm tall.  Huh.

I measured my first hat.  The brim was 6 cm.  Well... I wanted it to be taller, right?  I measured the original hat.  Its brim is about 8 cm.  Huh.

I pulled up the pattern, still not really realizing what had happened.  Scrolling down to the turn instructions, I noticed it...

"Round 1: [K1 MC, p1 CC1] around.
Work as set for 6 more rounds."

Ah.  Six rounds.


I looked at the hat for a minute, wondering if there was any way that I would be able to salvage what I'd done.  I measured the original hat again.  12 cm of brim would cover the entire body of the hat.

I moved on to bargaining.  Could I live with that?  I could live with that.  Couldn't I?

After a minute, I said to myself "Joey, no one need ever know this happened.  Hide it from Wendy until you're back up to the orange again.  She'll never notice."

The stitches came off the needle easily.  I frogged 11 rows of orange and re-wound it.  I frogged 12 rows of green and rewound that too.  I rewound the grey that was hanging all over the table.   I re-threaded my needle through the stitches of the 9th row.  I frogged three rows of purple and grey.


Deep breath.  I like knitting.  This is a chance to do more knitting.  This is a chance to put this hat aside and focus on the gift knitting.  This is a chance to spend more time with the socks I just started.  I like knitting.

Have a good day, y'all.  Americans: happy holiday.  Don't be afraid to frog your work.  Remember: no one need ever know.