Rain on snow after ice - buggies hurrying along slushy highway shoulders - heavy fog and mist rising from melting snow - all working together to create a kaleidoscope of winter greys and whites. A subtle palette of shadow and light. They evoke images from other seasons, the eagle that lives along the creek, the spiders in the summer garden. Perfect colors for knitting or dreaming about knitting. Winter days seem made for staying in with a project. Stop by the shop for cozy ideas for deep Winter knitting.
Winter Greys and Whites
in grey, knitting, winter hours
Rain on snow after ice - buggies hurrying along slushy highway shoulders - heavy fog and mist rising from melting snow - all working together to create a kaleidoscope of winter greys and whites. A subtle palette of shadow and light. They evoke images from other seasons, the eagle that lives along the creek, the spiders in the summer garden. Perfect colors for knitting or dreaming about knitting. Winter days seem made for staying in with a project. Stop by the shop for cozy ideas for deep Winter knitting.