What a night at LYS!

HYPERBOLIC CROCHET for the Smithsonian Community Reef

Knit Night had a new groove at LYS this week. We had a great evening learning how to increase like mad in crocheted chains & rounds! We're crocheting hyperbolic planes that will ultimately be part of the Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef at the Ocean Focus Gallery in the Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC. Our little circle of knitters & crocheters joins a much larger group working to create a satellite reef for the international project created by IFF in California.
The Smithsonian Community Reef will be displayed between October 16 & April 17, 2011.
We will meet again on THURSDAY JULY 29th for another evening of knitting & crocheting for the reef. This is a great opportunity to work with Lancaster artist Christa Wissler & to learn free-form crochet technique.
YOU are invited! We meet weekly & are a friendly, if occasionally silly, group.
Thanks to everyone who is participating! Plans are in the work for a field trip to D.C. to see the reef! Details as they develop.