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Lancaster Knitter's Retreat 2015


June 5-7, 2015
Amish View Inn
Bird In Hand, PA

Lancaster Yarn Shop welcomes Franklin Habit and Carol Sulcoski to the Lancaster Knitter's Retreat!  Franklin Habit is an artist and writer and the proprietor of the knitting blog The Panopticon.  Carol Sulcoski is a designer and the author of Sock Yarn Studio and many articles and patterns.  They are both experienced, dynamic teachers and we're thrilled that they are coming to Lancaster County to share their passion, knowledge and humor.

Click HERE to register today!

On Saturday, you will attend Franklin Habit's 'Artfully Agitated Stripes: An Introduction to Mosaic Knitting,' and Carol Sulcoski's popular course 'Ribbing Roundup' (details below).  The Saturday evening banquet will feature Franklin's lighthearted and lavishly illustrated talk 'B is for Purl:  A Brief History of the Knitting Pattern.'

On Sunday, Franklin and Carol will help us host The Knitting Salon.  A Salon can be defined as 'a cultural hub, responsible for the dissemination of good manners and sociability.'   We'll spin a yarn or two, tell a few jokes, maybe even share a song to inspire you and your knitting.  Also, Q & A with Franklin and Carol, and a Hand-Knits Fashion Show.  Bring your knitting and your good manners, come see and be seen,  and let's learn and laugh and knit together.


Wine & Knitting                      7:00 PM until...


Registration/Coffee                 8:00 - 9:00  
Class 1                                       9:00 -12:00  
LUNCH                                    12:00 - 1:00  
Class 2                                       1:00 - 4:00  
Knitting in the Great Room      4:30 - 6:00
   --live music featuring "THE KNITPICKERS"        
Banquet                                    6:00 - 9:00   


The Knitting Salon                    10:00 -1:00
coffee bar all morning

  Franklin Habit
Artfully Agitated Stripes: An Introduction to Mosaic Knitting
At first glance, Mosaic Knitting looks like garden variety stranded color work–but it's not. Mosaic patterns are really two-row stripes, joggled here and there with slipped stitches. The result? Beautiful designs and intriguing fabrics in stockinette, garter stitch–and hybrids thereof. And amazingly–you'll never knit with more than one color in a row. Want to find out how it works, and how to design your own mosaic color patterns? Join us, and bring your imagination. Prerequisites:  Fluency in the basic techniques of knitting.

  Carol Sulcoski
Ribbing Roundup
We all have an "old faithful" ribbing we use on nearly every project. In this class, we'll break out of our ribbing rut. We'll start with some simple and sturdy options, then try out some ribbings with decorative elements like eyelets and mock cables. Learn to transition from ribbing to other stitch patterns, to increase and decrease in ribbing, and see how ribbing choice can affect the look of the finished garment. We’ll finish by investigating some alternatives to ribbing.

The cost includes Friday night reception, three Class sessions, Saturday lunch and a banquet dinner.  Coffee and refreshments will be available throughout the weekend.

A block of rooms has been reserved for this event at the Amish View Inn & Suites. You are responsible to book your own lodging. There are many hotels and inns in the area.  All classes and meals will take place at Amish View Inn.  You must reserve your lodging by April 23, 2015 to ensure a rate of $189.00 +tax per night/double occupancy. Other rates are available, mention the block 'Lancaster Yarn Shop' to get these special rates. 

Click HERE to register today!
No refunds after March 31, 2015.